Ekhaya lika Phumla at Khayalitsha Mandela Park, South Africa

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With Ekhaya lika Phumla, the Foundation has launched a longstanding project for and with young people in Khayelitsha litho Park. The purpose of the project is to support and develop young people in their vocational, social, musical, creative and artistic education and to give them a home.

Focal points

To give young people aged between about 15 and 23 from orphanages or without a family structure a home in a family environment. This includes the construction of a residential complex in the form of living modules (Tiny Houses) in innovative construction, in which about 10-15 young people find space, can get involved and learn to take responsibility. This housing project is framed by business premises that can be rented by external parties, in whose activities the young people can, for example, complete an apprenticeship. Furthermore, Ekhaya Phumla includes all kinds of support and encouragement in vocational training and further education, promotion of their creative, artistic, musical and dancing talents and the promotion and equality of boys and girls.

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Children from orphanages in South Africa are no longer accommodated from the age of 18 and do not receive state support after finishing school and have to leave the orphanage. As a result, many young people cannot be released into an independent life due to the traumas they suffered in early childhood. As a result, they are often forced to live on the streets and end up in crime and prostitution. Therefore, it is important that these young people can live in family structures for a few more years. The name of the project «Ekhaya lika Phumla» is based on the orphan girl Phumla, whom Dr. Jutta Lenz supported and accompanied financially and emotionally for more than twenty years. She was a gifted, positive girl and died at the age of only 21 (in 2019) from severe kidney damage caused by her HIV medication. She contracted AIDS in her mother's womb and was one of the first generation children to be treated with medication.


It is our big goal that the project «Ekhaya lika Phumla» will be self-supporting over the years, when all living areas are built up. The vision is to achieve this through rental income from the adjoining business premises, cooperation with local traders and craftsmen and the production of products.

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According to the motto «Helping people to help themselves!»

When a young person leaves Ekhaya lika Phumla for independent life, he should continue to contribute his knowledge, experience and support for a few years, thus enabling the scaling of Ekhaya lika Phumla.

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Home Management

Evelyn Makasi is our good soul on site and significantly responsible that our project can be implemented on site according to the defined goals. She looks after the orphans at the Abaphumelele orphanage.

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Our second Building «Coffeshop with living area»

Place for young people from the orphanage Abaphumelele with integrated coffee shop. The coffeeshop is run by the young people and provides a further link to the community in Litho Park. The coffeeshop was built on the basis of an old transport container, which was converted and expanded with the help of the young people.

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