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With Ekhaya lika Phumla, the Foundation has launched a longstanding project for and with young people in Khayelitsha litho Park. The purpose of the project is to support and develop young people in their vocational, social, musical, creative and artistic education and to give them a home.


WhatsApp%20Image%202021-06-10%20at%2003.50.40 With Dr. Priya and her daughters, the Jutta Olga Weller foundation provides rapid assistance during the lockdown in Sri Lanka and enables the family can continue to live under one roof and build a sustainable livelihood with a charitable purpose in the medical field.


With TRAC, the Jutta Olga Weller Foundation supports a long-standing and professional educational organisation for young people in Cape Town. TRAC South Africa is a private organisation that works with selected high schools in poor regions throughout South Africa to provide gifted young people with an individually tailored education through assessments. To this end, TRAC works with various colleges and universities, including the renowned University of Stellenbosch.