Foundation members

All members of the Foundation work on a voluntary basis and strive to contribute their life experience in accordance with the Foundation's purpose.


Dr. Jutta Lenz

Foundation President

Dr. Jutta Lenz - born 1958 - the founder grew up in Germany, did her Master and PHD at the University of Freiburg / Germany in Psychology, Education, Spot Sciences, English and later in Business Management. She has two grown-up sons. Today Jutta Lenz lives in Switzerland and South Africa. In addition to her professional work as a management coach and business consultant, she has been socially engaged throughout her life. Her love of South Africa brought her to the orphanage Home from Home near Cape Town in 1994. Her first sponsorship for the three-year-old orphan Phumla, who was infected with HIV, turned into a life's work. She supported Phumla with medication (Phumla contracted HIV in her mother's womb and was one of the first children to receive effective medication in the fight against HIV), with love and trust and with a lot of personal contact. Phumla was an intelligent, humble and cheerful person and bore her HIV impairments with admirable optimism. It was her greatest wish to become a writer. Jutta promised to make this possible and to encourage her. She died in 2019, aged only 21, from the consequential damage of HIV medication and TB, which irreparably damaged her kidneys over the years. Following Phumla, Jutta Lenz founded the project «Ekhaya lika Phumla - Helping you reach your full potential» more on the project here.


Nina Sprenger

Foundation Board

Nina Sprenger was born in 1971 into a family of entrepreneurs in Western Austria, graduated from high school with a degree in tourism and has held various management positions in the international luxury goods industry. She is the mother of two sons, lives in a partnership and has been living in Switzerland since 2011. During her training as a certified coach and trainer, she met Jutta Lenz. They worked together in various professional projects. When the idea of the foundation as Jutta Lenz's life's work was launched, Nina Sprenger spontaneously agreed to volunteer as managing director and foundation board member. She has an interesting professional as well as private network, brings a lot of life experience, joy in philanthropy and manages the foundation in all operational matters.


Michael Giesinger

Foundation Board

Michael Giesinger, born in 1969, grew up as the youngest of four children in an entrepreneurial family in Austria, trained in textile engineering and worked for international companies all over the world until he was 30. Since 2001 he lives in Switzerland and manages his own company - GIM Consulting. He lives in a partnership and is a proud dog owner. In 2019, he met Jutta Lenz professionally and is now involved as a foundation board member on a voluntary basis and with a lot of heart and soul. He brings with him a broad network and great experience in international management - predominantly in IT, technical solutions and finance - which he successfully contributes as a foundation board member.
