Medical centre in Malabe, Sri Lanka

WhatsApp%20Image%202021-06-10%20at%2003.50.40 With Dr. Priya and her daughters, the Jutta Olga Weller foundation provides rapid assistance during the lockdown in Sri Lanka and enables the family can continue to live under one roof and build a sustainable livelihood with a charitable purpose in the medical field.

Project scope

Building a medical practice for Dr. Priya so that she can continue her work as a doctor of Ayurvedic medicine. In addition, Dr. Priya provides free medical support to needy people through the medical centre. With the medical centre, Dr. Priya will be able to finance her livelihood and the development of her daughters on her own in the future and be independent of further pandemics like Covid-19.

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Project status

The foundation with professional drainage of the soil was completed in June 2021. During a spiritual ceremony, the first brick is placed in the ground - it is supposed to protect and bless the house. The ground floor can now be tackled.

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